Nowadays many videos can be found about almost all sorts of things. With the advancement in technology the spreading of these multimedia recordings cannot be avoided. There are posting on certain niches and there are those that are just pure crazy! 2 girls 1 cup is one of those clips that excited many feelings of my own. This article is a review about that 60 sec preview I saw personally and an analysis of the literature backing up that video of 2 girls 1 cup that I have seen, I did not finish it just so everyone knows.
Video about all sorts of things, yes, these are common and are now accessible to almost all computer literate individuals in the planet. But pornography? Also known as porn, that catches your interest. We must not deny that by far the sexual urge is part of our instinct and 2 girls 1 cup addresses this urge but only to select few who are able to stomach it.
2 girls 1 cup is about eating fecal matter in general. It is tagged with the liking for excrement also known as Coprophilia. Coprophilia is derived from the Greek words “kopros” meaning excrement and “filia” defined as liking. Collectively this abnormal condition is also called as scatophilia. Scatophilia is etymologically defined as “skata” that has a word equivalent like that of the slang word shit.
If you have seen the video of 2 girls 1 cup, though I encourage you not to do so, you will notice the intense liking of feces that would indicate a behavior that is remotely normal. Eating the excreted material and subsequently passing it from one to another. This video 2 girls 1 cup is absolutely obscene to a lot of cultures and that it may be found offensive on all aspects.
Many finds it disgusting and some even lost their lunch after watching the 2 girls 1 cup trailer. Despite the facts that you may have found the video of the same effect to you we cannot deny that there could be a number of people who gets their sexual urges satisfied by feeding on fecal matter of an intimate someone. Acknowledging that this is reality does not mean that you are accepting it but you just recognize that it is out there, present.
For the peace of mind of those many that got curious and clicked on the play button I will tell you some comforting facts. The “thing” that those two girls are eating, it is not fecal matter but chocolate. If this is true, I am so much relieved but if not then my view of the video remains the same. The portrayal done in 2 girls 1 cup video will surely make people feel revolting but hey this is just another video. So if you like it, please click on the play button. And for those who do not want it at all, do not even bother because it will waste your time and who knows if lunch is next.
You can watch the Original video by clicking HERE.
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